Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019):

The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019):

“Zak runs away from his care home to make his dream of becoming a wrestler come true.”

A man with Down Syndrome (Zak) escapes from a nursing home to become a professional wrestler. Now, I'm somewhat of a pro wrestling fan, and this movie deals with disabilities, so I liked it. Along the way, Zak is helped by Tyler (Shia Lebeouf) a fisherman and latchkey kid who's on the run for stealing crab pots. He helps Zak face his fear of water as they search out the wrestling school.

They find out they're not bad people at all. Tyler helps (reluctantly) come up with a wrestling name for Zak... The Peanut Butter Falcon, because of Zak's love for peanut butter. Meanwhile, Zak is still being pursued by Eleanor, his former nurse, who explains that she's just trying to do her job. The movie does a good job showing both sides of assisted living: the longing for freedom vs. security.

After they all find the wrestling school, Zak finds that his former wrestling idol, Saltwater Redneck, is a husk of his old self. But, Zak is such a big fan that he convinces him to teach wrestling one more time. He teaches him some moves, and even books him a match with Samson. (Played by Jake “The Snake” Roberts!)

It feels somewhat ambiguous whether the trip succeeds or not, as Eleanor would surely take him back to the facility as soon as he finished. But, at least Zak pursued his dream, and made his own decision. If you have time, watch it today. It's comedy with a lot of heart, and even some good wrestling cameos!

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